Work with me!

I have been writing in earnest as long as I have known how to form letters on paper; it was my first true love in life. Writing is an integral piece of who I am and much of what I have personally accomplished in life is due to my writing and my communication skills.

Educationally, I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Russian Studies, Security and Intelligence, and Linguistics. Professionally, I worked in the private banking sector for eight years, mostly as an Anti-Money Laundering Analyst. Within that career, I was a trainer, procedure writer, interdepartmental communications liaison, quality control and a subject matter expert.

Working with me means working with a well-rounded, curious intellectual and creative, making me ideal for commercial copywriting, in whatever form it may take. Creative product descriptions, website content, weekly or monthly newsletters are all easily in my wheelhouse, as well as any other needs that effective writing can fill.

Please check out my blog and recipes to get a good feel for my writing style and voice and an idea of my more technical writing skills. Having an interest in the subject matter always improves the final product, at least in my experience, so these are the areas in which I have a solid foundation of knowledge due to my own interest in them. If any of these align with your interests, let's work together!

  • Writing (naturally!)

  • Languages- Russian, Latin, Spanish, German, Norwegian, Irish, French, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese. I speak (and read and write) Russian, the rest are studied academically.

  • Travel (United States and Europe)

  • Baking - Cookies, Cakes, confections, Savory baking, Bread, and French Patisserie. Over 25 years of experience.

  • Cooking - British, Southern, French, Classic American, Italian

  • Music - from the 1920's to the 2010's.

  • Musical Theater- 1950's to 2000's

  • Film - Black and white classics, comedy, musicals, based on books, actors/actresses.

  • Fine Art and Art history

  • Painting - oil, acrylic, water color.

  • Tattooing - Practical application (I am a tattoo artist), history of the craft

  • World History

  • Ancient History

  • Politics, Political Science

  • Religion - Christianity, Judaism, Taosim (Daoism), Paganism (Norse, Celtic, Greek/Roman), New Age, Hinduism.

  • Prophecy and Prophets

  • Self-Help, Self-Healing, Well-being

  • Natural healing modalities - homeopathy,

  • Spirituality - Tarot, Akashic Records, Channeling, Mediumship

  • Paranormal Phenomena and Extraterrestrials.

  • Current Science and Scientific breakthroughs

  • Space and the cosmos, scientifically and philosophically.

  • Philosophy

  • Psychology

  • Past lives, Near Death Experiences, and Out of Body Experiences

  • Alternative thought within medicine, history and general science.

  • The power of positive thought and sustainable life change

I am a curious bird and I believe that the journey of learning never stops. Let that insatiable curiosity work for you!

Contact me below so we can start today! Give me an idea of your needs and let's get my skills and experience working for you!

Get in Touch

I would love to work with you! Connect with me regarding your specific needs, ideas or interests so we can get started!